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Stunning Before and After Photos : Leveraging Perfectly Clear Automatic Image Correction in your Mediaclip Designer

May 31, 2024  Michel Lacaille

As a provider of personalized products, the quality of the final printed items depends heavily on the photos users upload. While you can’t control the photos selection, you can offer tools to help enhance these images. By doing so, you generate a superior user experience that distinguishes you from your competitors. Perfectly Clear automated photo correction from EyeQ Imaging is an optional addition to your Mediaclip Designer setup.

What is Perfecty Clear ?

Perfectly Clear is an automatic photo enhancement technology that is integrated into Mediaclip’s white-label product personalization software solution as a front-end tool. The technology uses a blend of real science and artificial intelligence to intelligently enhance photos according to the needs of the image. Up to 40 automatic corrections can be made to each image, such as exposure, sharpening, AI precision of skin tones and depth.

3 reasons why your business and your clients will benefit from Perfectly Clear Automatic Image Correction

1. Increase your conversion rates

It’s proven that customers are more likely to purchase photo products if they are satisfied with the appearance of their photos. If customers don’t like how their photos look on screen while creating and customizing their products, they’re unlikely to complete the purchase. The Perfectly Clear front-end implementation in Mediaclip Designer allows users to fix problem images with just a click of a button.

In an anonymous survey with 5,000 participants, 96% of the time, an image edited with Perfectly Clear was preferred over the original, demonstrating that corrected images are more likely to be purchased!

2. Reduce returns and reprints 

It happens all the time — despite warnings, customers often choose to print poorly lit or damaged photos, leading to dissatisfaction with the final product. This can result in returns or reprint requests, costing you valuable resources and revenue.

Perfectly Clear technology ensures that the images selected are corrected to look their best.

3. Create repeat customers, setting yourself apart from competitors

As the market becomes increasingly saturated with photo products, it’s more important than ever to stand out from the competition. Why give your customers a reason to go elsewhere? Put in place the extra elements that will keep your customers satisfied and coming back.

How to use the Perfectly Clear integration in Mediaclip ?

Perfectly Clear is an optional addition to the front-end of your Mediaclip Designer. Simply use the Perfectly Clear Web API to connect to the backend of your Mediaclip account. Users will then see the option to automatically enhance the photos they’ve added to the designer. To launch the operation, they simply click and let Perfectly Clear do the work! The result is a beautifully corrected image.

How to add Perfectly Clear to your Mediaclip setup ?

Perfectly Clear integration is an optional addition to your Mediaclip setup. Mediaclip Customer Service representative can put you in touch with the Perfectly Clear team, or you can reach out to them directly for information on pricing and integration options.