A personalized calendar is a perfect gift for yourself or for your loved ones. Creating a calendar is a great way for everyone to plan ahead, keep on top of everything and, if you work from home, boost productivity.
With the Mediaclip Calendar module, your customers can create an amazing photo calendar, and order online. It's quick, easy, and organized.
- Creating your own photo calendar means you can bring order to the chaos. A photo calendar is a fantastic way to keep things organized.
- Be more productive. By keeping on top of all appointments, special events, birthdays, and school/sports agendas, you'll find yourself less stressed and more productive.
- Never forget a birthday or a special anniversary, like your wedding anniversary. With our photo calendars module, you can easily add birthdays and special occasions.
- Schedule and break down projects like a wedding. Break down your long-term projects, plan in smaller steps, and set and manage deadlines.
- Make your calendar unique and memorable. Editable photo calendars are totally unique. Your photos, your memories, your feelings.
- We know grandparents wait year after year for their grandchildren's and Family calendars.
- Your clients can select their favorite fonts, change background colors, add frames around photos, mark special dates, use clipart, and more— it's totally up to them.
To make things even easier, why not encourage your clients to get several calendars printed so they can hang them in the kitchen, kids' rooms, and office? A different calendar to match each room's aesthetic and personality!
Google trends review for Photo Personalized Calendars
By comparing these keywords string, Photo Calendars, Personalized Calendars, Customized Calendars, and Editable Calendars, we found that depending on the region these keywords attract audiences differently.
PS: We reviewed with Online Calendar in our search string and it showed no significant results, less than customized calendars

Note: In Canada and the US 97% of the audience will search mainly for Photo Calendar (graphic below) while in the UK the same search reveals an almost 50% split between Photo Calendar and Personalized Calendar

All this while in the State of New York 51% of web searches ask for a Wall Calendar, 31% for a Desk Calendar, and 19% for a Photo Calendar .

In conclusion
Your 2022 Photo Calendar, or in some instances we should say Personalized Calendar program will be enhanced if you use the proper semantics for your region in your e-Mails and your Website SEO.
Note: We also found, via Google Trends that the Photo Calendars ordering cycle is not limited to the season prior to Christmas and it extends in January as we are convinced some families will include 2022 seasonal photos in their thank you calendars to friends and families.
We suggest maintaining your advertising and promotion program to include a few weeks after Christmas 2022