Tail-Wagging Personalization – For Pets and Their Owners
Nothing compares to the unconditional love of a pet

Dogs or Cats Collars

Bowls & Accessories

Apparels, Fabrics & Baskets

Pet Memorial Items, Enlargements, Framed Prints

Treat Your Pets——Because They Deserve Something Special Too!
- Amazing Pets catalog gifts ideas. Unique gifts for Dogs and Cats
- Pets Gifts designer module is an Award-Winning editor featuring fast and easy gifts creations from mobile phone and desktop alike.
- Creates patterns, named items and identification tags in minutes
- Modern and efficient photo selection interface with useful images editing tools and filters
- Smart design algorithm and gift layout
- Myriad of freeform options (borders, clipart, fonts, masks, text styles)
- Interactive photo realistic project rendering and editing
- Online project sharing, editing & ordering with friends and family
- Convenient check-out process
- Swift ready to print, local or access to the Mediaclip suppliers network
- Integrated eCommerce merchandising capabilities via resellers CRM (i.e. e-Mail campaigns)